Business Forum Lunch

Spend an Afternoon with the Port of Grays Harbor at Greater Grays Harbor’s Upcoming Business Forum Lunch

Representatives from the Port of Grays Harbor will take the stage at Greater Grays Harbor, Inc.'s (GGHI) next Business Forum Lunch (BFL). This event is open to the community [...]

Greater Grays Harbor to Host Annual Legislative Wrap-Up BFL Featuring Legislators from the 19th & 24th Districts

Many events held by Grays Harbor's county-wide Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Council, Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI), are organized annually to ensure community members have the opportunity [...]

Lunch with the Mayors Offers the Exclusive Opportunity to Hear from the Mayors of Grays Harbor

Click Here to Purchase Your Ticket! Each March, Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI), hosts Lunch with the Mayors. Each mayor will present on their respective region's growth, challenges, improvements [...]

2024-03-11T16:54:53-07:00March 11, 2024|Business Forum Lunch, Events, Members, News, Press Release|
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