Greater Grays Harbor, Inc., alongside Grays Harbor high schools and Grays Harbor College, are proud to introduce to you a program called “Hire Me First.” Students who are awarded “Hire Me First” cards are potential employees whom we believe are work ready. They will present their cards to employers for consideration in the interviewing and hiring process.  

Their instructors have verified the following academic and workplace standards, which employers have said are of great importance to them:

  • Dependability 
  • Satisfactory Academic Performance 
  • Effective Communication Skills 
  • Teamwork & Leadership 

We invite you to partner with us as a “Hire Me First” business! All we ask is that you agree to give students with “Hire Me First” cards an interview when you have an open position for which the student qualifies. The rest is up to the student.

This is a great opportunity for us as business leaders to make more informed hiring decisions for our employees.

Thank you for considering our students as potential employees! This opportunity is FREE! If you would like to participate in this program, please contact GGHI by March 14th.

Contact Information:

Loretta Thomas, GGHI Director of Business Development

(360) 532-7888