Stroll through Makarenko Park in Cosmopolis in any season.
Stretch your legs after during a Pacific Northwest road trip on the beautiful trails in Cosmopolis! Pull off in the small town and explore one of the multiple trails perfectly tucked away in nature.
Mill Creek Park
After the old dam located at Mill Creek Park was destroyed during heavy rains, the Park was reopened in 2018 to now feature a state of the art concrete, earth and concrete block structure. The dam is complete with flood control gates, a fish ladder and several weirs to accommodate migrating salmon and steelhead and is great for fishing with the kids. Admire the interesting architecture and cross a footbridge directly over the dam while strolling around the entirety of the pond. Bird watchers can find excitement in this area as duck, geese and blue heron are common sights as well as other native wildlife.
The entrance to Mill Creek Park can be found at the intersection of 5th and C Streets in Cosmopolis.
Makarenko Park
Consisting of over 39 acres of wooded land, Makarenko Park is a refreshing spot to breathe in the fresh air of Grays
Paved and gravel trails make exploring Makarekno Park a breeze.
Harbor County. There are over two miles of paved and graveled dog-friendly trails that are ideal for walking, running or biking. Located in the center of the park are two large soccer fields where visitors can kick around a ball, throw a frisbee or have a comfortable picnic under the towering surrounding trees.
The main to entrance is Makarenko Park is located at the end of Stanford Drive on Cemetery Hill in Cosmopolis.
River Walk
Take a short stroll along the mighty Chehalis River that flows through miles and miles of land throughout the Pacific Northwest before dumping into the Pacific Ocean. The gravel trail is near a boat launch where walkers can watch the local fishermen and spot wildlife in the area.
The walking trail can be accessed just behind Maxi Mini Mart on 1st Street.
Basich Trail
Fondly nicknamed “the Cosi Trail” by locals, Basich Trail is dog-friendly, fully paved trail and connects Cosmopolis to Aberdeen. Follow along this old railroad route surrounded by thick vegetation and trees that’ll total in at roughly three miles round trip.
Access Basich Trail from the parking lot of the Cosmopolis Lions Club and walk west.
While visiting Cosmopolis, consider an overnight stay if you’re pulling an RV at River Run RV Park, grab a bite to eat or drink at Brass Hub Coffeebar, Hong Kong Restaurant or Maxi Teriyaki & Sushi Restaurant, and do some shopping at Opal Art Glass.
This original content is produced by Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. and sponsored by Grays Harbor County Tourism.