Are you Tired of the Words “New Normal” Yet?

If you’re like most business owners, you probably are. But whether we recognize it as a new shift in how we do business or a temporary tack we take to survive the current economic storm, the point is how you do business has to change if you want to continue to connect to your audience.

Give up One-Size-Fits-All for Good

Customizing your approach to your target market hasnever been more important than during COVID-19. People want to hear from you and they want to feel like you understand them. But if you’re sending out a generic marketing message to everyone they’re not going to feel that.

Get Social

This is a fantastic time to increase your social media presence and begin having (more) conversations. A lot of people are struggling right now. Providing inspiration as well as commenting on their posts will make them feel good. That’s a way to make a big impression on your audience.