Spring Revival and Positive Thinking

We’ve all been through a lot the past couple of years and sometimes it is a bit hard to notice the positive changes, especially so if they are incremental and don’t land with a big visible splash. In this month’s CEO Message, I want to bring attention to some impactful economic development improvements in Grays Harbor County. These “wins” are transformational to our community’s future and will benefit current and future generations.

Economic and Environmental Resiliency

Aberdeen-Hoquiam Flood Protection Project – Most folks call this the “levee project”, but let’s dig into that a bit more. Building a levee that will create environmental resiliency for the cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam is a large project comprised of a handful of supporting projects. When built this levee will move over 5,100 residential units and 1,300 commercial units out of the flood zone. The result of which will allow over $2.2 million dollars of flood insurance premiums to be spent here locally, encourage residential and commercial physical improvements, and subsequently improve our housing inventory deficit. That’s just the beginning of the benefits of this project, but we can expect to see more companies look to site in our community, additional investments to come from local employers and, of course, more jobs. For Daily World coverage of the most recent project funding click here. For coverage from Representative Kilmer’s office click here. 

Port of Grays Harbor Growth and Modernization

AGP Expansion – Grays Harbor is lucky to have the Port of Grays Harbor (PGH). This unique community asset is an economic engine for the region and is home to some excellent employers. In March it was announced that current PGH tenant, AG Processing (AGP) plans to expand their operations at PGH. With this expansion comes PGH and AGP investment in the facilities and of ultimately the expansion of jobs. To learn more about this project click here.

Westport Marina Modernization – Did you know that the Westport Marina is the state’s #1 commercial seafood landing? It is amazing the significance of the seafood industry on our coastal community and the town of Westport.  Maintaining that #1 location and being a marina of choice for commercial fishing operations takes investment. This past fall the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) approved funding to support the planning associated with the Westport Marina Modernization project. To learn more about the project click here.

Workforce Training

CDL Training – It is no secret that our supply chain and logistics industry have a dramatic need for more commercial drivers. With that knowledge and a few conversations between the right community stakeholders, a solution was developed. The Grays Harbor Community Foundation is funding scholarships for local students enrolling in the Commercial Diver’s License Program (CDL) at Grays Harbor College. The existing program will see new enrollees that might have previously been unable to attend due to the cost to enroll. This is another great example of a local solution to a global problem. To learn about the CDL program visit this link at GHC.


Learning to Grow Expansion (Elma) – Grays Harbor, as a region, has been identified as a childcare desert, so much so that I’ve been placed on the state Childcare Collaborative Task Force. From August 2020 to August 2021, we have lost over 20% of our providers and capacity in the county. This is why we are celebrating the news that Elma’s Learning to Grow has received additional funding in the 2022 Washington State Capital Budget to help finalize their expansion project in Elma. In 2020 Learning to Grow received an Early Childhood Facility grant from the Department of Commerce, but since then the increased cost of materials has threatened the timeline of the project. These additional funds are essential to the project, and it is worth celebrating both the legislative win and the tenacity of a local business owner!

Breaking News 4/5/2022 – Learning to Grow has been awarded funding from the Washington State Department of Commerce to build the Grays Harbor Early Learning Center in Montesano, WA! This $1 million dollar investment will support the development of a new facility serving the entire region. Stay tuned for more news on this project and partnership!

YMCA Grays Harbor Learning Center – The opening of the much needed and anticipated YMCA of Grays Harbor County Learning Center is this month! Funded by Early Learning Facility dollars in 2020 and state budget funding in 2021 alongside local foundation and private donations this facility will create a welcome expansion to serve the families and workforce of the region. You can join us at the ribbon cutting on April 20th. More details can be found here.

Building the Business Network

After two-years of cancelled, postponed, or virtual format events, GGHI is back at it with in-person events and celebrations!  In March we hosted Lunch with the Mayors to a crowd just shy of 100 and we look forward to more of these events.  The biggest takeaway from that event was that growth and change are big topics in every corner of the county.

Join us on April 26th for Business Forum Luncheon featuring Legislative Wrap-Up. Speakers include legislators from the 19th and 24th Legislative Districts as well as local government affairs professionals.

Business After-Hours will also return on April 12th after a two-year hiatus at Galway Bay in Ocean Shores. This after-hours event caps off a day of ribbon cuttings in our county’s fastest growing community!  Join us at Too Cool Sportswear (Oyhut Bay location), Very Dirty Dog Wash, and The Lighthouse Ocean Shores.