January 2019 – Did you know you have an amazing business resource right here in Aberdeen? The Small Business Development Center of Washington is here to serve you. Do you need help getting a business loan? Are you looking to expand your business space? Do you have questions about your cash flow statements? We have a myriad of services to help you run or create a business. All services are confidential and free of cost. Here are some of the 5 ways that we help businesses.
1. If you are looking for a business loan, the SBDC is a great place to start. We help existing and current businesses acquiring funding. We connect you with the different options there are for businesses. As a business, you have different loan options that range from the bank to local nonprofit lenders. Usually with a loan, businesses need to write up a business plan and show financial projections. We help businesses through this process so it’s less intimidating.
2. Start-up businesses often need a business plan so they have a road map for where they are going. The SBDC has advised many new startups. If you have never owned a business, it is especially helpful to get an idea of what that would be like before you make an investment. The SBDC is here to help advise with business planning so you know your target market, viability, operations plan and so forth. It is an education process and you can be better prepared for starting your new venture.
3. Are you signing a new lease? The SBDC can be a resource for better understanding of your lease agreement. You can get some feedback about what your lease means before making the investment. This is always a great way to get started on the right foot with your new business or expanding one.
4. Do you want a better idea of where the money is going? Often times, we can be so busy running a business that we aren’t sure where the money is going. The SBDC can help businesses look at their bookkeeping statements to get a better idea of a business’s profitability. We can analyze product/service costs and profit margins. We can help you understand cash flow statements and their importance to your business.
5. Need to connect with more potential customers? We can advise on how to reinforce existing customers, market to target customers and expand your reach. Want to understand what a drip campaign is? Or are you looking to create more online activity? Or just want to get the word out to local customers? From your website to social media to in-person contacts, the SBDC can advise you on tools for reaching out.
This is only a short list of all the services we offer at the SBDC. Even more, we have a network of 20+ Washington advisors with a range of expert business skills. If you have some very specific questions, it’s likely we can get you connected with someone that has the answer. The best part–Our service is free of cost and confidential! Call us today.
Mia Johnstone is the SBDC Business Advisor for Grays Harbor, Mason, and Pacific counties and can be reached at mia.johnstone@wsbdc.org. 360-538-2530. Her office is located at Grays Harbor College.