Hire Me First

Greater Grays Harbor, Inc., alongside Grays Harbor high schools and Grays Harbor College, are proud to introduce “Hire Me First.” Students who are awarded “Hire Me First” cards are potential employees who have been deemed ready for work. They will present their cards to employers for consideration in the interviewing and hiring process. Once local Grays Harbor businesses sign up, they will give students with “Hire Me First” cards an interview when they have an open position for which the student qualifies. This program is currently offered to students at Aberdeen High School. If your business is interested in participating, please contact Loretta Thomas at lthomas@graysharbor.org or call (360) 532-7888. A list of interested businesses, their contact information, and open positions will be compiled and added to this webpage in the coming weeks. More information can be found here.

Business Enterprise Startup Training or BEST is provided to new Grays Harbor County entrepreneurs in partnership with the Thurston Economic Development Council Center for Business & Innovation. BEST consists of five online on demand courses that teach new entrepreneurs how to write a business plan, structure and license their business, start branding and marketing their business, protect their intellectual property and gain basic accounting knowledge for their business. After filling out the scholarship application you will be contacted by the Thurston EDC’s Center for Business & Innovation Training and Resource coordinator who will provide access to the courses along with no cost access to business plan writing software. For any questions, please email info@wcwb.org.

This list of programs is not exhaustive. Please Contact Us to learn more about programs relating to start-up assistance, training, financing, exporting, and more.