Message from the CEO – August, 2023
Sharing stories of success… This month I’ve been reflecting on how the communities in our region work together and communicate. GGHI is frequently privileged enough to hear what is [...]
After a six-year hiatus, Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI), is proud to announce the return of Showcase Grays Harbor. Set to tour the South Beach area, this day-long event [...]
On Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. organized a Business Forum Lunch focusing on 'The Future of Jobs in Grays Harbor." Multiple speakers presented on the topic [...]
Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI) recently organized the annual State of Grays Harbor on Tuesday, June 27 at the Rotary Log Pavilion in Aberdeen, WA. The GGHI Signature Event [...]
The annual State of Grays Harbor, hosted by Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI), will feature a economic development keynote speakers and the release of the 2023 Economic Vitality Index [...]
The highly anticipated return of Showcase Grays Harbor has been announced by Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI), the tour organizer. Set to tour the South Beach area, this day-long [...]
The Association of Washington Business Institute and the Washington Roundtable are embarking on an initiative to engage Washingtonians in shaping a vision for the future of our state's economy. [...]
The Association of Washington Business Institute and the Washington Roundtable are embarking on an initiative to engage Washingtonians in shaping a vision for the future of our state's economy. [...]