A feature of Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. (GGHI) is to provide business assistance and resource referral. This monthly Business Assistance Briefing is to share relevant and timely resources to support your business, regardless of size. 

In today’s world it can be hard to navigate the waters when it comes to running your business, gaining access to capital, marketing woes, workforce needs, or just getting started – GGHI is here to assist. This month we are sharing some business assistance resources to help you explore workforce and other resource options. 

AJAC- Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeships 

AJAC partners with employers who want to offer our apprenticeship programs to their employees. These employers identify their employees to become apprentices. Once an individual agrees to enroll in a program, AJAC works closely with the employer and employee to go over responsibilities, on-the-job training competencies, and college-level classes. Apprentices are enrolled in AJAC’s classes taught at local community/technical colleges and/or online. Classes are college accredited, held one night a week for four hours. Most apprentices have the summer quarter off.  

Hiring and need to get the word out? Here are a couple of FREE resources for you! 

  • WorksourceWA is a state-run, free website where businesses can post open positions. You can post as many different positions as you need and additionally have access to free templates that can aid you in creating those tough job descriptions.  

Willing to train? Here are some recruitment resources for you to check out. 

  • The Washington Workforce Portal site matches your requirements with those of a student looking for a work-based learning opportunity in your region. But don’t just post your opportunity and hope the perfect candidate finds you — you can search the site for students, too! 
  • Are you interested in placing young adults into your business to learn your trade? Grays Harbor Youth Works provides work experience to youth 15-19 years of age that could be a great fit for your industry. You can establish a relationship with a high-achieving youth and potential future employee. 
  • Grays Harbor College’s Business Contract Training program collaborates with community partners to provide training that is aligned with industry needs for a skilled workforce. The focus of contract training is to be the bridge between educational programs and on-the-job skill training. 
  • The Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (PACMTN) is a nonprofit organization that is the recognized convener of regional workforce development efforts. The PacMtn Board of Directors, PacMtn Elected Official Consortium, and all staff are dedicated to the development of a workforce system that supports business, industry, and all levels of employers and job seekers. 
    • By building strategic alliances and designing innovative workforce solutions, we are creating a pipeline of skilled and talented workers prepared to meet the needs of local employers and the industries of tomorrow.  
  • GGHI hosts a Business Assistance page on our website that provides a list of resources related to business support. We are happy to conduct a meeting with you to discuss business needs and how to navigate the vast resource network. 

Please reach out to Loretta Thomas, Director of Business Development at GGHI if you have questions or need some guidance on your business journey.