Hello Grays Harbor Community Members, 

Well, it is hard to believe, but September is already here, and students are back in school, fall is in the air and its football season, one of my favorite times of the year. Our staff has been busy this past month with workforce development, preparing for the upcoming Showcase Grays Harbor on September 13th, and working on business attraction activities.  

We also had the honor of attending a reception on August 13th to thank Congressman Derek Kilmer for all his efforts and contributions to the betterment of Grays Harbor County, our cities, and many organizations. Thank you, Congressman Kilmer! 

Upcoming Events 

Re-Compete Project Kickoff

Greater Grays Harbor Inc., and Grays Harbor College (GHC) are hosting Senator Maria Cantwell on September 4th to discuss the kickoff of the Federal EDA funded Re-Compete Project, and to tour the beautiful new facilities at GHC. I would like to thank Dr. Carli Schiffner and her staff for all their efforts in helping to plan this event! 

Showcase Grays Harbor

Staff are making the final preparations for this year’s return of Showcase Grays Harbor on September 13th from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. We have an exciting tour planned to feature the Port of Grays Harbor, Hoquiam Fire Department and Life Flight Network in the morning with a break for a catered lunch by Kit’s Catering Kitchen. We will also tour the new tulalW Student Center building, recently completed at GHC, as well as the Westport Winery. 

Click here to learn more and purchase your ticket by no later than September 4th at 5:00 PM!

Business Forum Lunch

Join us on Tuesday, September 24th at 11:30 AM as we celebrate the Leadership Grays Harbor Class of 2024. Each graduate of this professional and personal development course will be recognized. Additionally, this Business Forum Lunch will also feature a keynote speaker. As we finalize details on this luncheon, stay tuned to the official event page and purchase your ticket here.

Business After Hours

Additionally, GGHI Member, Dirty Dogs will be the host of the September Business After Hours. Stop by for a ribbon cutting to celebrate their new facility, self-dog wash coupon giveaways, delicious snacks and drinks from La Spiaggia Ristorante and fantastic networking opportunities on September 10th from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM.

Other Happenings  

We have been really busy at Greater Grays Harbor Inc. with the kickoff of our Federal EDA Funded Re-Compete Grant where we will be working with Grays Harbor College, Pacific County Economic Development Council, and Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council to develop a plan to help reduce our “Prime Age Employment Gap”, or (PAEG). The Distressed Area Recompete Pilot Program (Recompete Pilot Program) aims to alleviate persistent economic distress and support long-term, comprehensive economic development and job creation in places with a high prime-age (25 to 54 years) employment gap. The program uses prime-age employment gap (PAEG) as an indicator of economic distress because it accounts for prime-age workers who have stopped looking for jobs and left the labor force, as well as those who are currently looking for jobs and are unemployed. 


Warm Regards, 

Darrin C. Raines 


Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. 

Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. Contact Information 

Darrin Raines, CEO  

Phone : 360-532-7888, Email : draines@graysharbor.org  

Candie Gleason, CFO  

Phone: 360-532-7888, Email: cgleason@graysharbor.org   

Kelsey Norvell, Marketing Director  

Phone: 360-532-7888, Email: knorvell@graysharbor.org  

Loretta Thomas, Director of Business Development 

Phone: 360-532-7888, Email: lthomas@graysharbor.org  

Stephanie Conway, Director of Member Services 

Phone 360-532-7888, Email: sconway@graysharbor.org