“Business recruitment is a long game, but also a vital investment that supports a community’s long-term well-being. The work of organizations like Greater Grays Harbor is integral in communicating that a community is open for business and supportive of economic growth. Having a single community point-of-contact that can provide confidential and professional assistance is vital to gaining the confidence of site selection consultants and companies considering their growth plans.”
We’re constantly working to attract the next big employer to Grays Harbor. This work is often done in conjunction with our partners at the Washington State Department of Commerce. We also work closely with the Port of Grays Harbor on many projects.
The nature of this work is that it takes time, persistence, and patience, but when that right prospect comes along, we want to be here to put our communities’ best foot forward. Due to the need for confidentiality, most of our work happens behind the scenes. And when a project doesn’t end successfully, we pay careful attention to the reasons so we can target our other programs towards making Grays Harbor an even more attractive place to do business.
Considering Grays Harbor for your business expansion project? Let’s connect to discuss why Grays Harbor might just be the perfect place!