The Clallam County Economic Development Council (Clallam EDC) submitted a grant application on behalf of our partners and were selected to receive coronavirus state fiscal recovery funds through the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Small Business Innovation Fund.
The intent of the program is to spur small business recovery, startup, and growth. This funding will focus on initiatives that serve BIPOC entrepreneurs, women-owned small businesses, and small businesses located in underserved, low-income, and rural areas.

Clallam EDC and its partners created the Olympic Peninsula Small Business BOOST program to support underserved business owners located and doing business in Clallam, Jefferson and Grays Harbor Counties.
We anticipate we will award three to nine contracts totaling approximately $300,000 of marketing services. The partners will identify which businesses will receive marketing support and the types of services to be provided to each business.
The partners seek flat rate small business marketing services to support selected business owners in the three-county region for small business marketing services. The period of performance for these services will be from January 2023 until May 31, 2023.
The partners are prepared to review proposals from individuals or firms to provide these services.
Requested Information:
Proposals should include the following information. Proposers may submit additional information as deemed appropriate.
- A brief description of
- Your firm’s Qualifications and Experience providing the type of marketing support proposed
- Your marketing philosophy and/or approach.
- Identify which county or counties the respondent is proposing to offer marketing services to small businesses.
- Indicate current county of residence. As the grant is to be utilized in economically distressed counties, preference will be given to firms that have a primary office location in the defined service areas of Clallam, Jefferson, and Grays Harbor Counties. Travel expenses are not authorized and as such localized support is recommended, but not required. The proposed compensation may not vary depending on which employee accomplishes the work.
- Respondents will fill out the following form provided to identify Project based deliverables around the specific phases, milestones, deliverables, and outcomes of each milestone.
- Affiliations or clients that could cause conflicts of interest regarding local businesses.
- What are your internal procedures to provide marketing services to small businesses. This should address issues such as office location; accessibility to small businesses, size of your team and roles for each person, any subcontractors utilized for the proposal, — for example, would there be a primary marketing professional and, if so, who would that person be and how would other marketing professionals be involved.
General Requirements:
- Contractors will ensure the following:
- Timely signed contract with Clallam EDC
- Professional support to all identified small businesses
- All work completed no later than May 31, 2023
- A monthly report detailing description of work performed
- A monthly invoice submitted to Clallam EDC
- This agreement executed by the Clallam EDC will be a deliverable-based contract. We will pay monthly invoices within 30 days of receipt. Invoices must include evidence of work completed on behalf of the small business as defined in the contractual scope of work and goals set.
- Proposals must be emailed to Ted Hennessy at the Clallam EDC no later than 5pm Friday, January 13, 2023. Consideration will only be given to proposals received by the deadline. Attachments should be in Word or PDF format.
Ted Hennessy,
Olympic Peninsula Small Business BOOST Program Manager
Clallam County Economic Development Council
338 W First St., Suite 105
PO Box 1085
Port Angeles, WA 98362
The partners reserve the right to reject proposals, to request additional information concerning any proposal, to accept or negotiate modifications to any proposal, to interview any proposer, and to waive any irregularities in anyproposal following the proposal submission deadline date, to serve the best interests of the underserved businesses within the service area. The BOOST Selection Committee will select the proposals for the Clallam EDC to execute a service contract.
All inquiries about this Request for Proposal and current marketing services received by the city should be directed bye-mail to Ted Hennessy, and